Kamis, 12 Desember 2013

lazy time~

sorrryyyy guys.... im lazy for write again in here..humm but its be awhile..not long -__- i dont have mood again for write T^T my mind forced me for study..so i dont have time for write abt our boys...sorrryyy im sorryyy for that..ik should im finished abt scandal of GD, this topic not yet finished..can u wait for that guys?? please gimme time till me finished my exam...my exam alrd finished bfr christmas~ please wait me ((: ik u can understand me guys... VIP love wait for sth ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

i'll give some pict for that~ its cute rite?? :b

this is GRI --- G-Dragon & SeungRi ㅎㅎㅎ usually we're call them w/ NYONGTORY :DD

nah i have pict again for u guys~ ㅎㅎ its cute again, rite?? :b

ㅎㅎ usually we're call them w/ TODAE bc TOP---DAESUNG ㅎㅎ its cute rite?? :b

please forgive me guys..i'll back when my exam alrd finished :)) im promise 😘

Minggu, 01 Desember 2013


The first when I hear news abt GD, huh im reallyyy feel sad for it T^T …. Although i to be VIP not long, i am to be vip when bb alrd have album a much 5… but im alrd know abt album of them… ok back to topic hehehehe hummm GD get news if he’s smoked and he’s don’t know, if he’s smoked contain w/ marijuana T^T huh…. When we’re vip hear the news, we’re get shocked .____. Its happen like that, we don’t know anything…. Hummm after the news is out, there news explain if GD get a cigarette from stranger when GD want go to the bathroom… the stranger just give him cigarette and GD accept, bc he’s feel not comfort if he’s didn’t accept cigarette it… bfr he’s know if cigarette contains w/ marijuana, GD not realized, if he’s smoke w/ marijuana… after police come to GD and GD really shocked for it,… and finally police take GD to police office, in there GD get interrogation, police out some questions for GD and GD anwers w/ honest if he’s really don’t know abt that…. GD explain to us(vip) when he’s begin for enter to police office, he’s feel cool… reallyyy diff when he’s enter a place.. yup we’re know GD LL many reaction from YG-FAMS-and VIP for support him…. But i hear some reaction negative from some ppl -___- u can see in here..

Korean netizens' (not just fans) reactions to top 10 GD-related articles:

The three best replies for article #1:

 3,904 agree, 241 disagree
Even if he didn’t know, marijuana is unacceptable because he’s G-Dragon (a celebrity)

3,184 agree, 477 disagree
Goodbye GD
I had a good image of you because of Infinity Challenge. How disappointing.

2,602 agree, 277 disagree

Taeyang: “I might act like I don’t know, but I know it all. I might act like I’m being fooled, but I’m just closing my eyes.”

2,651 agree, 427 disagree
Just because his indictment was suspended, he still used marjiauna. Shouldn’t he be banned from appearing on TV?

2,208 agree, 296 disagree

Life is one shot

2,028 agree, 346 disagree
*disappear* Dragon

484 agree, 73 disagree
It’s even more disappointing for me because I’m a fan. He’s horrible, isn’t he even apologetic to his family, label, and fans?

443 agree, 88 disagree
For KBS and MBC, you’re barred from entering no matter what if you’re caught using drugs. Are you watching? If he’s not banned, then YG definitely used money.

366 agree, 121 disagree

‘Tonight I smoked marijuana~’

This is reactions, I get from NETIZEN… i get this is from bigbangupadate…U can see…eerrrrrr some reaction positive – negative for him T^T –con-

Sabtu, 30 November 2013


Pertama kali ketika saya mendengar berita tentang GD…. Huh saya benar benar merasa sedih untuk itu T^T ….. meskipun saya menjadi vip tidak lama, saya menjadi vip ketika bb sudah memiliki album ke 5… tetapi saya telah mengetahui semua albumnya…. Ok back to topic heheheheh hummm GD mendapatkan berita jika dia merokok dan dia tidak mengetahui, jika dia merokok yang mengandung dengan marijuana / ganja T^T huh…. Ketika kita vip mengetahui berita itu, kita terkejut… itu terjadi begitu saja, kita tidak mengetahui apa – apa… huummm setelah berita itu keluar, berita menjelaskan jika GD mendapatkan rokok dari orang asing ketika GD ingin pergi ke kamar mandi… orang asng itu hanya memberikannya rokok dan GD menerimanya, karena dia merasa tidak enak jika tidak menerimanya… sebelum dia mengetahui jika rokok itu mengandung marijuana, GD tidak percaya jika dia merokok dengan marijuana…. Setelah polisi dateng ke GD dan GD benar benar terkejut untuk itu…. Dan akhirnya polisi membawa GD ke kantor polisi, disana GD mendapatkan interogasi, polisi mengeluarkan beberapa pertanyaan dan GD menjawab dengan jujur jika dia benar benar tidak mengetahui tentang itu… GD menjelaskan ke kami (vip) ketika dia mulai memasuki kantor polisi, dia merasa dingin…benar benar beda ketika dia memasuki sebuah tempat… yup kami mengetahui GD LL banyak reaksi dari YG-FAMS-VIP untuk mendukungnya… tetapi saya mendengar beberapa reaksi negative dari beberapa orang -____- kamu bisa liat disini…

Korean netizens' (not just fans) reactions to top 10 GD-related articles:

The three best replies for article #1:

3,904 agree, 241 disagree
Even if he didn’t know, marijuana is unacceptable because he’s G-Dragon (a celebrity)

3,184 agree, 477 disagree
Goodbye GD
I had a good image of you because of Infinity Challenge. How disappointing.

2,602 agree, 277 disagree

Taeyang: “I might act like I don’t know, but I know it all. I might act like I’m being fooled, but I’m just closing my eyes.”

2,651 agree, 427 disagree
Just because his indictment was suspended, he still used marjiauna. Shouldn’t he be banned from appearing on TV?

2,208 agree, 296 disagree

Life is one shot

2,028 agree, 346 disagree
*disappear* Dragon

484 agree, 73 disagree
It’s even more disappointing for me because I’m a fan. He’s horrible, isn’t he even apologetic to his family, label, and fans?

443 agree, 88 disagree
For KBS and MBC, you’re barred from entering no matter what if you’re caught using drugs. Are you watching? If he’s not banned, then YG definitely used money.

366 agree, 121 disagree

‘Tonight I smoked marijuana~’

Ini adalah reaksi, saya mendapatkannya dari NETIZEN…saya mendapatkan dari bigbangupdates…kalian bisa liat errrrrrr beberapa orang reaksi negative – positif untuknya T^T –con-

Sabtu, 23 November 2013


VI aka Lee Seung Hyun, he’s was born December 12, 1990… we can call him VI or SEUNGRI..he have age more young than others member, and we’re can call him as 막내  xD he’s always get bully from hyungs xD he has many ability like..he can sing, and his voice reallyyy nice…we love his voice ^^ and sometimes he can made choreography for BIGBANG. Before VI debut, he ever to be teacher for dance in one of place in where place near with his house… except sing and made choregraphy, VI ever appear in one of station TV… hummm many program his appear… but more many VI appear program in Japan not in Korea, idk why… VI reallyyy good when he’s speech w/ Japan lang.. in BIGBANG, VI the most well for speech w/ Japan lang. he ever get 1 scandals, he get a incident when, VI in Japan… this is the first time VI get scandal xD and when he know, he get scandal…he’s panic hahaha and others member give comment to him.. they’re comment like this…… and they’re not sad but they’re just laughs for that hahahah but the first when I hear news abt his scandal…I just think…whyyy VI can like that (?) … ok I’ll explain abt his scandal in NEW PAGE….KEEP STAY IN HERE.. ^^

Okey..after that…VI has album too like his hyungs… this is the first time VI have album, he’s album w/ tittle “LETS TALK ABOUT LOVE” or we can call w/ LTAL hehehe it’s the same…

Track List:
01. Let’s Talk About Love (feat. G-Dragon & 태양 of Big Bang)
02. 할말 있어요 (Gotta Talk To U
03. GG Be (지지베) (feat. Jennie Kim Of YG NEW ARTIST)
04. 그딴 거 없어 (Come To My)
05. You Hoooo!!!
06. Love Box

just there was some song in LTAL...VI to be producer in here...his made song by him self...actually he want ask help to hyungs but hyungs really busy w/ they're album..so VI made song by his self...we're really pround for it ^^^^^^^^


VI aka Lee Seung Hyun, dia lahir 12 Desember 1990.. kita dapat memanggil dia VI atau SEUNGRI.. dia memiliki umur yang lebih muda dari pada member lainnya.. dan kita dapat memanggil dia dengan 막내 xD dia selalu mendapatkan bully dari hyungnya xD dia juga memiliki banyak kemampuan seperti, dia dapat bernyayi dan suaranta benar – benar bagus… kita sangat menyukai suaranya ^^ dan terkadang dia membuat koreografi untuk BIGBANG. Sebelum VI debut, dia pernah menjadi guru untuk menari yang berada di dekat rumahnya… selain bernyanyi dan membuat koreografi dia juga mengikuti acara yang ada disalah satu program TV… banyak program yang dia ikuti tetapi lebih banyak program TV yang ada di Japan yang diikuti oleh VI, idk why he more choose for appear program in Japan than in Korea.. (?) … dalam hal ini VI benar benar sanga baik untuk berbicara dengan menggunakan bahasa Jepang.. di BIGBANG hanya VI yang memiliki keahlian berbicara menggunakan bahasa jepang, selain Taeyang dan Daesung, VI lebih mahir berbicara bahasa Jepang.. dia pernah mendpatkan 1 skandal, dia mendapatkan kejadian itu pada saat dijepang, ini adalah pertama kalinya VI mendapatkan skandal xD ketika dia mengetahuinya, dia mendapatkan skandal….dia panic hahahaha dan anggota lainnya memberika komentar atas skandal yang dia buat… mereka memberikan koment seperti ini….. dan mereka tidak sedih tetapi mereka malah ketawa xD tetapi ketika pertama kali saya mendengar skandal ini, saya sempat berfikir. Kenapa VI bisa seperti itu (?) ok I’ll explain abt his scandal in NEW PAGE…KEEP STAY IN HERE ^^

Okey..setelah itu, VI juga mempunyai album seperti hyungnya.. ini adalah pertama kalinya VI memilki album, album dia berjudul “LETS TALK ABOUT LOVE” atau kita dapat menyebutnya dengan LTAL hehehe it’s the same…

Track List:
01. Let’s Talk About Love (feat. G-Dragon & 태양 of Big Bang)
02. 할말 있어요 (Gotta Talk To U0
3. GG Be (지지베) (feat. Jennie Kim Of YG NEW ARTIST)
04. 그딴 거 없어 (Come To My)
05. You Hoooo!!!
06. Love Box

hanya beberapa lagu yang VI miliki di album LTAL... dia membuat lagu dengan dirinya sendiri...we're reallyyy pround w/ him ^^^^^^^^

Sabtu, 16 November 2013


Daesung aka Kang Daesung he’s one of member BIGBANG, he was born April 26, 1989..he have ability like Singer, he can appear at FO (Family Outing) he is member of FO, bc he alrd appear every eps, but he ever didnt allow casting bc he have problem w/ his health..he’s got accident T^T its make VIP – Ygfams  sad bc that T^T I’ll tell you guys when he’s get accident at NEW PAGE, please stay in here guys ^^ Dae is actor, he’s ever appear drama of “Whats Up” Dae ever appear in Music of Festival in Korea~ we know abt Dae w/ his voice bc his sound reallyyy good…reallyyyyyy 대박 ^^ we’re VIP more know Dae when his showing on TV like program FO and NAN (Night After Night) he has humor, he really funny when he did humor xD Dae also has album like GD-Seungri-Taeyang.. not long time Dae release album for the first around month of Mei~ he did concert in Japan..only Japan…huh we’re reallyyyyy envy w/ JVIP, bc they’re can attend concert T^T in the first Dae did solo concert like GD – Taeyang.. hum Dae can speak Japan lang…I’ll give my thumb for his..bc he can speak Japan lang..in BIGBANG just 3ppl can speak Japan lang, like Seungri-Taeyang and Daesung~

in there was single Dae~ please look in here >>>>

in single like that, Dae have some a song...~

01. I LOVE YOU FEAT 葉加瀬太 
02. I LOVE YOU -Inst.- 葉加瀬太 
03. Wings
04. ウソボンダ (Try Smiling)
05. テバギヤ (A Big Hit!) ~ ナルバキスン (Look)

finish for talk abt his single..i'll tell you more abt Dae~ please stay in here and wait me till back :b bc i'll bring a new story for you guys~ ((:


Daesung aka Kang Daesung adalah salah satu member BIGBANG.. dia lahir tahun 26 April 1989.. dia adalah penyayi di Korea Selatan, dia juga mengikuti variety show seperti Family outing, di FO ini Daesung menjadi member tetap, dia mengikuti FO hampir setiap eps..tapi dalam eps pertengahan Daesung tidak bisa mengikuti FO karena dia mengalami kecelakaan, I’ll explain abt accident at NEW PAGE ^^ selain menjadi member di FO, Daesung merupakan actor, dia pernah bermain drama “Whats Up” Dae juga pernah mengikuti acara festival music di Korea~ Dae lebih dikenal dengan suaranya yang sangat bagus..dia adalah satu satunya member di BIGBANG memiliki suara seperti itu~ he’s sound realllyyyyy 대박!!! kita (VIP) lebih mengenal Dae ketika dia tampil di TV seperti acara FO – NAN (Night After Night) dia juga memilki tingkat homur yang tinggi :DD … tak ketinggalan dengan member lainnya.. Dae memiliki album.. tak lama sekitar bulan Mei , Dae release album untuk pertama kalinya dan dia mengadakan konser di Jepang… only Jepang~ Dae sangat pintar untuk berbicara bahasa jepang seperti Seungri dan Youngbae~

Disini ada album pertamanya Dae~

didalamnya terdapat lagu lagu diantaranya~
01. I LOVE YOU FEAT 葉加瀬太 
02. I LOVE YOU -Inst.- 葉加瀬太 
03. Wings
04. ウソボンダ (Try Smiling)
05. テバギヤ (A Big Hit!) ~ ナルバキスン (Look)

hanya beberapa lagu yang Dae buat~ its okey ^^ we happy for that ^^^^^^^ stay in here yooo guys~

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013


TOP aka Choi Seung Hyun is member of BIGBANG~ he have ability like he can did rapper, he’s singer, songwriter, model and he’s actor, he usually to be rapper when BIGBANG make song~ I think he’s really genius for did rapper~ we’re VIP really like it, although we’re not VIP, sure they’re will like it ^^ TOP do trained w/ Seungri, Daesung and Hyun Seung~ the first TOP failed for do trained in YG Ent, bc he have weight really over its make him failed for entered YG Ent, but as long 1 month he can did “DIET” he can losing weight around 10KG, its really amazing *O* we’re proud for it~ he ever did colab w/ GD, he can sing really well, he sound really “대박”  he ever make single w/ GD, and the tittle for they single is GDTOP~ in there has some song, im really likes when they’re sing “High High” and “Oh Yeah” when they’re sing “Oh Yeah” they're did colab w/박봄, she’s member of 2NE1.. she’s really beautiful and she’s voice really good, and she’s have body really good, sometimes we’re VIP or BJ felt envy with her~ they’re make single around 2010years~ ok I’ll explain about single from GDTOP, please stay in here ^^

this is cover for they're single GDTOP~ check this out

there was some song in single GDTOP~ check this out

1. Intro
2. High High
3. Oh Yeah feat Park Bom
4. Don't Go Home
5. Baby Good Night
6. Knock Out
7. Oh Mom
8. Obession
9. Of All Days
10. What Do You Want
11. Turn It Up

In here I just talking about his single no more..i’ll explain about his daily in NEW PAGE..^^ I hope u can be patient for it guys \^__^/


TOP alias Choi Seung Hyun adalah anggota dari BIGBANG~ dia mempunyai kemampuan seperti dia dapat melakukan rapper, dia adalah penyanyi, penulis lagu, model dan actor, dia biasanya rapper ketika BIGBANG membuat lagu~ saya fikir dia sangat jenius untuk melakukan rapper~ kami VIP benar – benar menyukainya, walaupun kita bukan VIP, tentu kita kan menyukainya ^^ TOP melakukan trained w/ Seungri, Daesung dan Hyun Seung~ pertama TOP gagal untuk melakukan trained di YG Ent, karena dia memiliki berat badan yang sangat over itu membuat dia gagal untuk masuk YG Ent, tetapi selama 1 bulan dia dapat melakukan “DIET” dia dapat menghilang berat badan sekitar 10KG, itu benar – benar mengagumkan *O* kami bangga untuk itu~ dia pernah melakukan colab dengan GD, dia dapat bernyanyi dengan baik, suaranya benar – benar “대박” dia pernah membuat single dengan GD dan judul untuk single mereka adalah GDTOP~ disana terdapat beberapa lagu, saya benar – benar menyukai ketika mereka menyanyikan lagu “High High” dan “Oh Yeah” ketika mereka menyanyikan lagu “Oh Yeah” mereka melakukan colab dengan 박봄, dia adalah anggota dari 2NE1..dia benar – benar cantik dan memiliki suara yang sangat baik dan dia memliki body yang sangat bagus, terkadang kami VIP atau BJ merasa iri dengannya~ mereka membuat album sekitar tahun 2010~ ok saya akan menjelaskan single dari GDTOP, please stay in here ^^

nah disini adalah cover untuk single GDTOP~

ada beberapa lagu dalam single GDTOP~ check this out

1. Intro
2. High High
3. Oh Yeah feat Park Bom
4. Don't Go Home
5. Baby Good Night
6. Knock Out
7. Oh Mom
8. Obession
9. Of All Days
10. What Do You Want
11. Turn It Up

Disini saya hanya membicarakan tentag singlenya tidak lebih…saya akan menjelaskan kehidupannya di NEW PAGE ^^ I hope u can be patient for it guys \^____^/

Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013


Taeyang aka Dong Youngbae, he was born May, 18 1988, he has ability like recording artist, model and actor.. he’s ever appearing in Jinuseans’s MV “A-yo”, didn’t like GD, Taeyang really from YG ent, he’s never doing trained everywhere besides in YG ent~ Bae met with GD when he’s still young around at the age of 12..

Please look at photo >>>>

Donng Youngbae already have album how much two album’s~ around of 2008 years he’s already have album, among 2008 year and 2010~ he’s success for the first and the second album~ the third album still coming soon, around 2013 in month a November, maybe in month  a November, bae will realse album for the third~ YG ent already announce by Twitter, Facebook, Weibo etc~ we’re really excited for the third album Bae~ \(*^^*)/ in here I just talkin’ about Bae’s album, maybe in new page i’ll talking abt his life or his daily~ this is the tittle for his album “HOT” and “SOLAR” ok from now on..i’ll explain abt his album~ please check this out—

The first album with tittle “HOT” in here some song~

In the first album some song, there was 6 song’s~

1. Intro
2. Prayer feat Teddy
3. Only Look at Me
4. Sinner
5. Baby I’m Sorry
6. Make Love feat Kush

In the first album hum my fav song is Only Look at Me..its so good ^^ love it~

For the second album, Bae using cover like that~ the tittle for the second album is “SOLAR” let see in there have some song’s, w/ cover like this >>>>

There some song in there~ you can see guys~

1. Solar (Intro)
2. Superstar
3. I Need a Girl feat G-Dragon
4. Just a Feeling
5. You’re My
6. Move feat Teddy
7. Break Down
8. After You Fall A Sleep
9. Where U At
10. Wedding Dress
11. Take it Slow

Enough a lot song in here, my fav song is Wedding Dress..its really make me kinda sad, bc actually Bae love the girl but he’s late for saying “LOVE” to her..so the girl will be married with his friend..its make me feel sad, I can feel it T^T and other Wedding Dress I have 1 song’s again hum this is I Need a Girl feat GD..this song really diff from Bae..i’ll tell you why Bae looks so diff in there in NEW PAGE..so be patient for know abt my write :D hope bfr im start for talk abt Bae, Bae alrd realese the third album..ik ur really excited for it guys~ same in here \^^/ 


Taeyang aka Dong Youngbae, dia lahir 18 May 1988, dia memiliki kemampuan seperti rekaman artis, model dan actor, dia pernah mucul di MV Jinsusean “A-yo” tidak seperti GD, Taeyang benar benar berasal YG ent, dia tidak pernah melakukan trained dimanapun selain di YG ent~ Bae bertemu dengan GD ketika dia masih muda sekitar umur 12 tahun..

Lihatlah foto >>>>>

Dong Youngbae sudah memiliki album sebanyak 2 album~ sekitar tahun 2008 dia sudah memiliki album, diantara tahun 2008 dan 2010~ dia sukses untuk album pertama dan album kedua~ album ketiga masih coming soon, sekitar tahun 2013 dibulan November, mungkin dibulan November, bae akan mengrilis album untuk ketiga~ YG ent sudah mengumumkannya lewat Twitter, Facebook, Weibo dll~ kami benar benar bersemangat untuk album ketiga Bae~ \(*^^*)/ disini saya hanya membicarakan tentang album Bae, mungkin di new page saya akan membicarakan tentang kehidupannya or sehari harinya~ disini judul untuk albumnya adalah HOT dan SOLAR ok dari sekarang, saya akan menjelaskan tentang album~ silakan check disini~

Album pertama dengan judul HOT disini ada beberapa lagu~

Didalamn album pertama ada beberapa lagu, ada sebanyak 6 lagu~

1. Intro
2. Prayer feat Teddy
3. Only Look at Me
4. Sinner
5. Baby I’m Sorry
6. Make Love feat Kush

Di album pertama hum lagu fav saya adalah Only Look at Me..itu bagus ^^ love it~

Untuk album kedua, Bae menggunakan cover seperti ini~ judul album kedua adalah “SOLAR” mari kita lihat disana memiliki beberapa lagu dengan cover seperti ini  >>>>

Terdapat beberapa lagu disana~ kamu dapat melihat guys~

1. Solar (Intro)
2. Superstar
3. I Need a Girl feat G-Dragon
4. Just a Feeling
5. You’re My
6. Move feat Teddy
7. Break Down
8. After You Fall A Sleep
9. Where U At
10. Wedding Dress
11. Take it Slow

Cukup banyak lagu disini, lagu fav saya adalah Wedding Dress..itu benar benar membuat saya sedikit sedih, karena ternyata Bae menyukai wanita, tetapi dia terlambat untuk berkata “LOVE” kepadanya..so wanita itu akan menikah dengan temannya..itu membuat ku merasa sedih, saya dapat merasakannya T^T dan selain Wedding Dress saya memiliki 1 lagu lagi hum itu adalah I Need a Girl feat GD..lagu ini benar benar berbeda dari Bae..saya akan membrtitahu mengapa Bae terlihat begitu bereda disana di NEW PAGE..jadi bersabar untuk mengetahui tentang tulisan ku..berharap sebelum ak memulai berbicara tentang Bae, Bae sudah merilis album ketiga..saya tahu kamu sangat bersemangat untuk itu guys~ sama dengan disini \^^/

Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013


G-Dragon, he’s Leader of BIGBANG! Jiyong was born August 18 1988, he’s multytalent, he have many ability~ hum start from, he can make a song, to be Producer, sometimes he can to be model and he’s fashion icon or fashionista~ well done, we know about GD although we’re not VIP~

The first before debut, when age of eight, he's ever did trained at SM ent, but in there, Jiyong feel uncomfrotable and then he's decide for get out from SM ent and then Jiyong trying for trained at YG ent and the result Jiyng feel comfrotable, he;s has 6 years did trained. when he's age of 12, he's trained with Youngbae..

this is a photo when Jiyong trained with Youngbae~ 

this is a photo where Jiyong and Youngbae trained with Youngbae at YG ent~

GD is G-Dragon <<<< VIP or not VIP always using "GD" for call him, its more easy for called his name!~ GD has 2 album's till now, the first album is "Heartbreaker" and the second album is "Coup D'etat" nah GD also has mini album "One Of A Kind"

in here a some song's include at the first album~

this is cover for the fisrt album GD~ in here a some song his made with Teddy and Choice 37~

in there a some song include the first album GD 

1. A Boy
2. Heartbreaker
3. Breathe
4. Butterfly
5. Hello
6. Gossip Man
7. Korean Dream
8. The Leaders
9. She’s Gone
10. 1 Year Station

in the first album include 10 song's..the song Ji's self make the song, GD wrote the lyrics~ my fav song in the first album is The Leaders~ because when GD's perf The Leader he's will singing with CL (Lee Chaerin) she's leader of 2NE1. 2NE1 is girl band under YG ent..

after the first album, there the second GD's album~

this is 2 cover for the second album, there was RED and BLACK, different between RED and BLACK is time release the album..just it~

track list with BLACK :

1. Coup D’etat
2. Niliria ver Missy Elliott
3. ROD
4. Black
5. Who You

track list with RED :

1. Shake The World
2. MichiGo
3. Crooked
4. Niliria ver GD
5. Runaway
6. I Love It
7. You Do

added two song's but its just ONLY the album~
1. Window
2. Black  

in here, at the second album, my fav song is Crooked, Who You and Runaway~ idk why i love the song.. when i hear Crooked, i can feel it what a Jii's feel..humm the song bit a beat but actually the song have meaning so deep! T^T  i'll explain about the second album with NEW PAGE!! :b

nah, after the second album, GD has mini album~

in here has 7 song's~ nah track list like that~

1. One Of A Kind
2. Crayon
3. Without You
4. That XX
5. Missing You
6. Today
7.   Light It Up

in here (page), i am only talking about GD's album and the NEW PAGE i'll talking about reality of GD!~